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It's My Story


An Cafe BondS Kizuna - ">hit counter
CODING: abstractiqqueart
PICTURE: cyworld
HOST: x x
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

hais. what happen to bi?
he's always treating me hot and cold.
i'm trying to tolerate it.
but the way you treat me isn't really very nice.
i wanted to understand you.
but i wasn't sure if you are treating me seriously.
i tried to trust you.
i really tried. but this is suffering.
i couldn't take it but i can't bear to let go.
maybe you never know that how much i actually likes you
cause never once did i speak up.
people ask me to break up.
but i can't do it.
how? i'm really having headache!

writtern @11:53 PM

Saturday, September 26, 2009

been so freak out with work and work
heard from my friends that sec 4 been having holidday right now
i wonder does it appeal to my school too?
last few months since i went to school.
they had been giving lesson after lesson
between 2pm to 6pm
it's so late.
if there really is holiday for my school.
i dun think the school with give us a break.
been stressing us for the N level.
even though it's for our own good.
but HELLO?! we need a break too.
we aren't robots that can work 365 days?
even robots had to take a break right?
but just my own opinion.
though previously i think that working would be fun
but it isn't what it seems at all
it's so tiring and i had to manage my own anger
some customers are really so FCUK UP!
but there isn't any choice.
got to earn a living right?
everybody knows that singapore is a small country
but yet the expenses are real expensive for us
can't really stand it.
my dad always says in mandarin.
"the things are getting more expensive, but our salary will never rise'
actually, it's quite true.
i wonder...
when will singaporean wont be so kiasu and cheap cake about money
money do harm alot of bonding
scientist said, the worst invention is 'plastic bag'
but i dun really think so.
i think that money is much more worst.
cause of money, people committed crime.
family bonding is being affected
more begger are lying around the streets.
though the government could provide us some subsidies.
but how much could they prove?
after all, it isn't enough.
plus we need to go through so much paper work.
and how many working days do they need to approve it?
that's the problem.
and if i had just one wish, i really hope i could burn those killing money!

writtern @11:40 PM

Friday, September 25, 2009

it's been awhile since i blogged.
been working these few days.
tuesday went to gracehaven to sign discharge form.
really will start to miss them so much.
all the ups and downs we had been through together.
it really is a tough period with you guys.
although we would still quarrel at times.
but all of it are worth it.
anyway,going to work very soon.
blog next time

writtern @10:49 AM

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

wow! another 4 more days to discharge.
i'm so super duper excited can.
really hope that everything will go smoothly lorhs.
hais. then will be quite busy this few days lorhs.
so wont be blogging so often

writtern @8:42 PM

Thursday, September 10, 2009

TO: spammer
thanks for making my blog so busy man.
but anyway, so what if i had attitude?
does it matter with you all?
furthermore, if you all wasn't happy about it
dun need to come and see my blog.
i didn't invite you all to come here and view it.
you yourself wanna get angry about it.
harm body nia marhs.
so what if you all thinks that he wasn't like this?
it was your point of view.
i had my point of view too what.
so what makes you all thinks that i can't let go.
so what if your didi dunno or know?
i dun even care about it at all.
who is the one who can't let go.
cause of all this wanna tio?
dun you think it is so childish?
wasting so much time just to spam my blog which you think is enjoying?
what a joke man.
think for yourself larhs.
if you still continue to spam then so be it?
i will still continue to enjoy it.
hate me for all you wan, cause you all are not related to me.
KP: although, i dunno who are you. but thanks anyway.

writtern @11:47 PM

Monday, September 7, 2009

today had my chinese N level paper one and two
wasn't that hard actually.
so it's not so bad after all. but still got many wrong answer.
can't believe that man~
btw read someone's blog and he was saying how ''innocent'' he is.
OMG!!! can't believe that can
but anyway, after all they are his friends.
it's natural they will support you larhs.
friends are like this what.
so what if you dun have attitude problem to them?
everybody has a attitude problem. so does me.
so stop hiding the fact that you dun have.
can't stand your action and i can't stand the way you talk.
that's for sure. the person who lost is you.
cause i played you out.
so stop pretending that you are the winning while you are not
just trying to imagine things of yourself.
i'm direct and i always does.
but it isn't neccesary to talk anymore. cause it's a waste of time.
if you wanna know why let me tell you directly what is the problem.
you are a attention seeker. whatever you do, you wan people to notice you
you talks like a gay and act like one too.
you are so irritating. when i get angry, you keep irritate me with your big eyes.
it really disgust me.
you are a liar. who bomb things like nobody business.
thinking of your action makes me feel disgusted and laugh at the same time.
so that is your problem
cause you dun act like a man!

writtern @2:39 PM

Sunday, September 6, 2009

HELLO. here to blog again.
wasn't able to blog last few weeks.
cause my computer had some problem.
anyway, having my homeleave till 13 sept.
i was overjoy man!
got to discharge soon. can't wait sia.
btw today went to look for racheal at yew tee
fetched her from work. den we went to bukit panjang and walk
suppose somebody suppose to come and look for me
yet he didn't turn up.
waited for hours man. clever of him
and added full of lies.
what a joke huh?
was so damn mad can.
but anyway, it's alright.
he's just a dog to me.
so that all for today.

writtern @10:10 PM