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It's My Story


An Cafe BondS Kizuna - ">hit counter
CODING: abstractiqqueart
PICTURE: cyworld
HOST: x x
Saturday, October 31, 2009

back to blogging again
yesterday night quarrel with PEPPER.
it was really a BIG one
ended up, sleeping at my friend place.
no choice. i just dun feel like facing PEPPER.
he's just so freaking spoil mood can.
actually, it's still hurt to see him in this manner.
but it's my attitude.
i'm sorry for making you so disappointed.
& it's really my fault for talkng to you in this manner.
but please, think about me can't you?
why do you have to always because of money issue quarrelling with me?
isn't it unfair?
i tried to control my money problem.
i really did, but just can't you see it?
you said i was troublesome.
but do you actually think of my feelings?
if you wasn't that demanding and that attitude problem.
maybe we wont be in this manner.
do you know how proud i was to had you as my father?
i even told my friends how wonderful you are.
& they even envy me for having such a relaxing father.
but think... i had my sense of responsible.
i know how much suffer you had been through.
the pain is always killing me.
do you know that? seems that you dun.
we always had conflicts. WHY?
not because we are not mend to be
but beacuse we always think for ourselves.
that's our problem
i tried to make you understand me.
by telling you all the sorows and happiness that i've been through.
but do you know that?
you said you wanted to protect me.
seems that nothing was shown but LOVE.
you always asked me to be what you wanted.
i've tried and i really did.
but every little mistake i've done will always make you pull my performance down.
DAD, everyone will makes mistake and you knew it.
like the mistake of you being with MUMMY at the beginning.
you regretted it for your action.
& i did too regretted my action.
so why not you just open a big heart and accept for what i am.
cause after all, i'm your daughter.

writtern @7:57 PM

Friday, October 30, 2009

LOLS! now at friend house.
hmms, today is quite a boring day
went to orchard with him
den he buy 2 nonsense things.
ONE GEEK spec and ONE cancer hat.
it's like so no logic larhs.
LOLS. but the most idiot thing is that he wanted to go home after that
so going to ask my dog gang lorhs.
to bite his cock man.
halfway wanna go home.
ALASKAN!!! got people bully me.
LOLS. sound so stupid right?
even my siaobaobao also ask me to stop my DOG TOPIC.
but i think is so cute can.
my favourite dog and also the HUMJI kind.
but still he's super cute.
so guess what?
today i watched JENNIFER's BODY.
not even need to pay a single cent
cause i watched on the internet.
quite lame lorhs.
now the BULLY asked me for money.
help me larhs.
but nevermind, today i did whack him
guess he going to turn into a retard!!!
WAAAA!!! i'm just so a superwoman.
ya larhs. he is just so buay song now.
LOLS!!! nevermind.

writtern @9:30 PM

Thursday, October 29, 2009

today was my off day siol.
but went to my work place and help out.
was slacking all the way till 5plus then i leave my house.
went home straight and on atarted blogging.
i really started to realise free girl super boring can.
OMG! missed gracehaven so much.
anyway, i wonder what should i talk to?
maybe about love? hahas

many people always say, I LOVE YOU!
but actually, what does it really mean?
does it means that having some special feeling on someone and that is call loving him?
i dun think so.
to me, loving someone is not oly having that special feeling.
but also have to share what they actually feel.
love is in our hand. we had the choice whether or not to further this relationship.
but everything had what it takes.
the pain and the tears.
beginning a relationship is always sweet.
but after that, it will never be lorhs.
it's always like this.
so maybe i will be making a big change.
because i can't take this challenge anymore.
maybe being single is still the best.
just hopefully, my friend will learn how to think more.
anyway, talking to ALASKAN!
his sending the dog home right now.
and guess what?
his been suffering the whole day.
cause got this dog name CHEDDAR
he love to fartt so much.
and i was one of the victim too.
worst then HUMAN's fart lorhs.
totally is PATHETIC.
find one day, i'm so going accummulate his fartt.
& let those bastards who tried to fool around with me to smell it.
and guess i wont have to trouble and call my dog gang come.
so i'm so going to let this promoter to smell it.
i will get permission from my boss, ALASKAN
to get this CHEDDAR's fartt.
& definately he will agree
and i will start to feed this CHEDDAR will ONIONS
so as to complete my plan.
wish me good luck alright?
and here's a good news.

writtern @6:31 PM

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

just came home today.
knocked off from work at 3plus 4
& guess what?!
today my outlet outside the PROMOTER SUPER YAYA can
buay tahan siol.
you know what he YAYA about?
his bloody phone. dunno what is so big fcuk off it lorhs.
maybe he just brought it or something.
BASTARD sia. so what if my phone had lesser songs than yours?
even though his memory card big so what?
walau eh, 8GB de so BIG, your phone also will lag lorhs.
wa, i tell you. he SUPER DUPER FCUK UP MAN-,-
he really talks like a retard and looks like a retard too.
dun understand why HIS COMPANY wanna hired him!!
i'm so super angry larhs.
i tell you, if he ever going to speak in this manner to me.
i'm so going to diao zhui
& guess who i'm going to call?
and the head is ALASKAN! the BIG doggie.
& i'm so going to ask PEPPER to join in.
then together, we combo and hum his stupid backside!
make his asshole pain until cannot shit!
ok fine. i admitted that i also had a ASSHOLE PAIN problem.
guess it's too heaty these few days.
yesterday shit-ed and start to pain like hell till today.
i wonder.... when will my asshole will be fine
i'm hoping to be alright soon.
den i will gain more energy to HUM his backside lorhs.
see who more YAYA larhs.
EH, my tao eh ALASKAN bigger size than you so many times can.
& he still have many of his DOGGIE FRIENDS.
got REX, MAX , BENJI, BENSON and many more lorhs.
i see you sure hum until hide in the toilet bowl and eat MY SHIT!
OH GOSH! hated this PROMOTER SOOOO much
anyone can cure my ASSHOLE?!
it's SWOLLEN!!!

writtern @5:59 PM

Monday, October 26, 2009

has been staying at home all day long.
never been stepped out of the house once.
anyway, had cut ties with rachel.
things had always been changing long ago.
i remained silent for a period of time and now, i had it.
if she thinks that i'm really immature
den let it be. i had my way of doing things
so if we can't agree it. den let go and move our own way

writtern @5:55 PM

Friday, October 23, 2009

to put those doggies photo that i've taken

description: a humji dog. will shiver all the way to school
the owner is a chao ahgua that i've mention before

description: like to act one yaya in front of dogs. keep on barking SUPER NOISY!
but one way to stop him, HUM HIS BACKSIDE

the white dog is PRINCE
PEPPER's family member
description: cannot tahan PEPPER and his in charge of HUMMING PEPPER's BACKSIDE
but when PRINCE make noise, ALASKAN will HUM HIS BACKSIDE.
& guess what? they form a TUTU-TRAIN!
and PRINCE love it alot. WOW!!!

the BLACK AND BROWNISH DOG IS kuro(black), SHADOW(brownish)
description: KURO love to HUM SHADOW! & they always create live show. LOLS!
description: SUPER CUTE! quiet and flury. but he had a eyes problem.
& he needs to go YUN NAN HAIR CENTRE! 62226661
description: look like a MAD SCIENTIST
like to act fierce alot but yet couldn't make it.
step one YAYA only sio!
cause his teeth can break easily.
ROMEO can scared me and ALASKAN
but ended up, get scolded by ALASKAN.
& ji tao whole body shivering.
so this teaches that dogs that are small cannot act fierce
so i'm going to stop here.
some days i'm going to follow you to fetch these dogs again
i dun wanna get RAPE by them again.
playful yet scary...
MONKEY is a horny dog and MOPY is a IDIOT DOG! keep raping me non-stop.

writtern @6:15 PM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

hais. so bored and my dvd spoil.
what the hell-,-
can't be able to watch the whole story.
heart pain lerhs.
being sleeping for the whole morning siol
was woke up by ALASKAN thrice.
ever two hours he will wake me up-,-
den i pei him talk like as if i taking drugs lorhs.
buay tahan. keep wake up and fall asleep back again.
really dunno what is wrong with my brain can
being moving very slow..
like pig sia. or maybe worst. a bird brain?
hmms, really getting lazier and lazier.
could even slack at home the whole day.
anyway, had a very big quarrel with PEPPER~
seems like he had gone mad recently.
so i'm not going to ask PEPPER for any help.
if he so going to make noise again, i swear i will hum him upside down.
after all, i'm bigger size than PEPPER.
btw there is also a new member too.
it's DOUGIE GIRL( my sister)
LOLS! guess what. yesterday DOUGIE GIRL spill F&N GRAPE onto PRINCE asshole
fcuk man-,- like as if i've urine in the car.
you know what is the best part for yesterday outting?
ALASKAN told DOUGIE GIRL about caterpillar without hair.
been telling her all the craps can. yet she still dun catch the ball.
and this is the latest news!
ALASKAN was DOUGIE GIRL's boyfriend.
OMGGG!! the feel was like a father and daughter can.
but seems like DOUGIE GIRL acceptted it. unBELIEVEABLE!!
btw today is DOUGIE GIRL 11th birthday!
and tomorrow is my MOTHER birthday
a day gap from each other.
so let's just wish DOUGIE GIRL HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
her admirer even gave her $10 to spend.
GOSH! i dunno what to say.

writtern @1:53 PM

Monday, October 19, 2009

today staying home the whole day.
so addicted to a show.
wow! the actor is so damn handsome.
so didn't really do much today.
slacking all the way at home.

writtern @9:49 PM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

sometime dog really is a friend of man kind
but after yesterday of one day trip with my friend.
i realise that dog is so sickening.
when they are mad!
i had met a dog, was barking all the way.
and was called pepper.
one day i got to call my future dog name SALT!
cute huh?
this pepper had a friend name prince.
they were so damn cute.
when pepper bark, the prince will help us to shut him up.
by humming him.
as in fcuk his backside.
cause both of them are male. so they only had to use the backside.
live some more.
i was laughing all the way.
cause pepper love to step one yaya.
so prince made him xia suay.
LOLS! love prince alot man.
his so helpful and so beautiful. really hope i had one of those breed.
totally, we drove 9 dogs in a van.
some were cute but some looks like alien can.
the fur was either botak or half cut, left the head with fur alone.
and there's this super cute dog which i hug him for the whole journey.
his owner was a chao ah gua.
so does the dog.
the dog was so scared in the car that he was shivering all the way man.
manage to cool him down for a few second b ut then he started to shiver again
my friend even said he had the same character as his owner.
scared die! walan eh, dog also will scared can.
but his the only dog that i adore the most.
quiet and cute. i even took the photo of it. as i'm so going to miss him.
btw his name is called dougie. cute name right?
guess i realise that even though i dun have someone to be with,
dog can still accompany us human.
they are the best, cause they will always stay loyal and never leave you.
and i swear i'm so going to get a dog.
so when i'm stress they will be my listening ears.
after the whole day trip, though it was tired as i had to get up by 4pm.
but it was worth it hanging around with dogs.
one day, i'm so going to follow my friend again.

writtern @7:58 PM

Monday, October 12, 2009

finally, exam had ended and i'm so going to feel bored.
lazy to go out and lazy to blog.
hopefully, something could just catch my attention.
later had to go to mum's place
cause will be fetching my enemy tmr morning to school
how sweet can i be.
just hopefully, she will really know how to think
been couselling her for a period of time
but it seems like nothing had been in her brain.
felt so worried for her
please enemy. think carefully.
i dun wanna you to go to the wrong path.
there isn't wrong to be curious.
but what you are doing is not the right way.
everybody is guiding you
haven't you see that?
i really hope you wont be so stupid to waste all my effort.
your mum and i will be looking forward for your changes.
lastly, i love you.


writtern @5:33 PM

Monday, October 5, 2009

hais. few days ago just break with bi.
he said that i dun trust him.
so must why break.
i had nothing to say but to agree it.
maybe it was my fault.
but i'm so going to look on the bright side.
cause i knew that no matter how much i like him.
he wont be back.
actually, wanted to make him a puzzle and give it to him.
but it wasn't necessary anymore.
so i just got to let him go.
just hope that he will learn how to think mature.
if he got any future girlfriend, den i just wish him all the best.
hopefully, he will learn how to treasure the girl.
i've gave up.

writtern @2:25 PM